FIFA 14 Chemistry

The first step in building up your Ultimate Team Squad and obtaining the best Chemistry is placing Players in their preferred position. You’ll know when a Player is in the correct position by looking at the round indicator on the field directly below them.

Green indicates the correct position, such as a Striker in a Striker Position. Your Player will receive the most Chemistry Orange indicates a similar position, such as a Center Midfielder in a Right Midfielder position. Your Player will receive some Chemistry Red indicates the incorrect position, such as a Defender in a Forward position. Your Player will not receive any Chemistry The next step is linking your Players. Bonus Chemistry will be applied to Players when they share the same Nationality, League, or Team. This is indicated on the pitch by connecting lines between each Player.

 Green lines indicate a full Chemistry bonus, by sharing more than one common attribute with connected Players Orange lines indicate a medium Chemistry bonus, by sharing only one common attribute with connected Players Red lines indicate no Chemistry bonus, by sharing no common atttibutes with other Players

Players who share the same nationality or League with your active Manager will receive an additional bonus to their Chemistry. This icon will be green for Players who have a Manager Bonus being applied. If you wish to change your Manager’s preferred League, you can do so with Training Items. These can be found in packs in the Store, or the Transfer Market.

Players can receive an additional Chemistry bonus when they are loyal. To obtain Player Loyalty, a Player must be found in packs purchased from the store, or have played at least 10 games for your club. This icon will be green for Players who have a Loyalty Bonus being applied. Once a Player is Loyal, they will remain so for as long as you keep them in your Club.

Chemistry Styles are modifiers that change your Player’s attributes. Each Chemistry Style is unique, and will alter a different set of attributes. You can continually tune how your Players behave on the pitch by changing their preferred Chemistry Style with special consumable items.

Chemistry Styles show you which Player attributes improve with high Chemistry. The higher your Player’s Chemistry, the more effective Chemisty Styles wil be. High Chemisry makes your Players play better.

As your Player reaches maximum Chemistry the arrows will change from white to green. This means that they’re receiving more benefits from the current Chemistry Style.

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